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Digital Medicines Transformation Portfolio Banner
New partnership to deliver the best digital prescribing solutions for NHS Wales

An innovative partnership is announced between the Centre for Digital Public Services (CDPS) and Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW).

DHCW scrutiny session will shine a light on the importance of digital health in Wales

On Wednesday 26th October, a joint scrutiny session into Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW) and digital transformation across NHS Wales will take place at the Senedd.

DHCW's Independent Board member Marilyn Bryan-Jones commended for her contributions to race equality and inclusion

Marilyn Bryan-Jones, recently appointment as an Independent Board Member at DHCW, has won an award at the Black History Wales National Community Awards for Wales 2022 for her contributions to race equality and inclusion.

Go Awards Wales Logo
Go Awards Wales Logo
DHCW shortlisted for GO Awards

The DHCW procurement team have been announced as finalists in the Go Awards Wales, celebrating procurement achievements from across Wales’ public, private and third sector organisations.

NHS Wales Microsoft Centre of Excellence (CoE) logo
NHS Wales Microsoft Centre of Excellence (CoE) logo
Microsoft Centre of Excellence create emergency operating model for 111 service

The new NHS Wales Microsoft Centre of Excellence (CoE) created an emergency operating model for NHS 111 Wales, after one of its supplier’s IT systems had to be shut down following a UK-wide cyber attack.

DHCW system used in Bowel Screening expansion

The Bowel Screening Information Management System (BSIMS) developed and supported by Digital Health and Care Wales is being used in the expansion of the Bowel screening programme to people aged 55, 56 and 57.

Simon Jones, Chair of Digital Health and Care Wales at the Digital Summit
Simon Jones, Chair of Digital Health and Care Wales at the Digital Summit
Chair's Blog: Reflections on the Digital Summit

Last week we co-hosted with Cwmpas and the Wales Council for Voluntary Action a digital summit which explored how the public sector working with and through the voluntary sector can much better deliver inclusion in digital innovation.

Representatives from Digital Health and Care Wales, Cwmpas and the Welsh Council for Voluntary Action hold a large, paper version of the Digital Inclusion Charter that
Representatives from Digital Health and Care Wales, Cwmpas and the Welsh Council for Voluntary Action hold a large, paper version of the Digital Inclusion Charter that
DHCW commits to digital inclusion in Wales

DHCW has signed a Digital Inclusion Charter at a first Digital Summit event held to bring together health, care and the voluntary sectors to collaborate on how digital tools can support and enable inclusion in Wales.

Webinar - How digital supports the transformation of health and care in Wales

Ifan Evans, Executive Director of Strategy, DHCW, and Stuart Morris, Director of Digital, Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board will be leading a #WellbeingforWales webinar on the topic of digital transformation.

DHCW finalists in Mental Health and Wellbeing Awards

DHCW has been announced as a finalist in the Mental Health and Wellbeing Wales Awards.

Professional Service Management Awards 2022 Logo
Professional Service Management Awards 2022 Logo
DHCW team shortlisted for Team of the Year award

The DHCW Service Management team have been announced as finalists in the team of the year category at the Professional Service Management Awards 2022.

Profile photos of Marilyn Bryan-Jones and Alistair Klaas Neill GM
Profile photos of Marilyn Bryan-Jones and Alistair Klaas Neill GM
DHCW appoints two new Independent Members to its Board

Marilyn Bryan-Jones and Alistair Klaas Neill GM will take up positions as Independent Members (IMs) on the Digital Health and Care Wales’ Board from September 2022.

Black Banner with text saying HM Queen Elizabeth II 1926 - 2022
Black Banner with text saying HM Queen Elizabeth II 1926 - 2022
HM Queen Elizabeth II 1926 - 2022

It is with the deepest sorrow that all of us at Digital Health and Care Wales pay tribute to HM Queen Elizabeth II and a life dedicated to our nation for 70 years.

BCS - The Chartered Institute for IT Logo
BCS - The Chartered Institute for IT Logo
DHCW shortlisted for prestigious BCS awards 

Digital Health and Care Wales has been shortlisted for two 2022 UK IT Industry Awards by the BCS.  

Lady looking at a computer and holding a cup in her right hand
Lady looking at a computer and holding a cup in her right hand
Join our virtual recruitment open day for the Microsoft 365 Centre of Excellence – 16 September 2022

Digital Health and Care Wales is hosting a virtual recruitment open day on Friday 16 September 2022 to recruit technical leads and developers for NHS Wales’ national Microsoft 365 Centre of Excellence.

Dentist smiling at the camera wearing gloves and a mask, the background shows that he
Dentist smiling at the camera wearing gloves and a mask, the background shows that he
New contract supports Welsh Dental Referral Management System

Patients in Wales in need of specialist dental care will continue to track their referrals through the NHS Wales Dental Referral Management Service following a new contract between Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW) and the referral system provider RMS Ltd. 

An image of Sam Hall, DHCW
An image of Sam Hall, DHCW
New Director of Primary, Community Care and Mental Health Digital Services announced

Digital Health and Care Wales is pleased to announce the appointment of Sam Hall into the position of Director of Primary, Community Care and Mental Health Digital Services.

Image of the front cover of DHCW
Image of the front cover of DHCW
Summary of DHCW's Integrated Medium Term Plan for 2022-2025 now available

DHCW’s Integrated Medium Term Plan (IMPT) for 2022 – 2025 sets out our main priorities for the next three years. 

University of Wales Trinity Saint David and DHCW collaborate to inspire & drive change

The University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) and Digital Health and Care Wales are working together to promote and deliver a culture of embracing change via a new qualification that will upskill and empower staff

Your Privacy, Your Rights Logo
Your Privacy, Your Rights Logo
New guidance materials to keep patient information safe

New guidance materials that explain why NHS Wales collects information about patients and how this data may be used is now available from the DHCW website.