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Medical practitioner with a stethoscope around their neck typing on a laptop computer
Medical practitioner with a stethoscope around their neck typing on a laptop computer
Digital improvements to prescribing at Cardiff and Vale UHB

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board has reached a significant milestone in introducing a new clinical digital system for improving the prescribing and administering of medication across its sites.

Pharmacist selecting a medicine from a medicine shelf
Pharmacist selecting a medicine from a medicine shelf
The Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) rolls out at second site in Wales

Patients in Conwy are the second community in Wales to use the exciting new electronic prescription service (EPS).

Pharmacist checking the details on a box of medicine
Pharmacist checking the details on a box of medicine
Testing Wales Shared Medicines Record

Healthcare in Wales is on the brink of a revolution in medicines management. Development of a world-leading digital solution will share patients’ medicines records, making them available where and when they are needed across Wales.

Digital Health Rewired Logo
Digital Health Rewired Logo
Keith Farrar to speak at Digital Health Rewired

Keith Farrar, Senior Responsible Officer for Wales’ Shared Medicines Record (SMR) programme, puts the spotlight on integrated medicines information and how it can improve patient outcomes, at the upcoming ReWired digital health summit.

Big Data Fund winners showcase innovation in health and care

Last month, Colleagues from health and care organisations across Wales came together for the latest Big Data Event, showcasing innovative projects made possible by the National Data Resource (NDR) programme

Brussels showcase for DHCW Research and Innovation
Digital Change Delivery Network stand at the UK Careers Fair in Principality Stadium, Cardiff.
Digital Change Delivery Network stand at the UK Careers Fair in Principality Stadium, Cardiff.
Business Change Support Officer Programme launched at Cardiff Careers Fair

A new programme, hosted by the Digital Change Delivery Network, was recently launched at the UK Careers Fair in Principality Stadium, Cardiff.

Digital Health Rewired banner
Digital Health Rewired banner
Digital challenges and successes for NHS under the spotlight at ReWired

Transforming health and care through digital and the increasing challenges of cyber security are among the key themes that speakers from Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW) will be discussing at Digital Health ReWired 2024.

Smiling doctor talking to her patient
Smiling doctor talking to her patient
Digital and data at the heart of new Primary Care Strategy

An ambitious new Primary Care Strategy from Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW) outlines the steps it will take to support the delivery of digital transformation across primary care services in Wales.

Entrance to the Cardiac Physiology Department
Entrance to the Cardiac Physiology Department
Electronic test requests helping Cardiology services in Cardiff hospital 

A new digital service launched in Cardiff’s UHW hospital is improving cardiology services. 

Blue graphic design of a computer mouse linked to a monitor
Blue graphic design of a computer mouse linked to a monitor
We want your views on the DHCW long-term strategy

Over the past few months we have been developing our new long term strategy, working with key delivery partners and with teams in our own organisation. 

HSJ Digital Transformation Summit logo
HSJ Digital Transformation Summit logo
Improving patient outcomes through digital to take centre stage at summit

The power of data, embedding a digital culture and transforming access to primary care through digital are among the topics panellists from Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW) will discuss at the HSJ Digital Transformation Summit.

Welsh Nursing Care Record upgraded to one national database

Eight separate databases for the Welsh Nursing Care Record (WNCR) have been replaced with a single national instance.

Simon Jones and Helen Thomas holding up the Digital Inclusion Charter
Simon Jones and Helen Thomas holding up the Digital Inclusion Charter
DHCW awarded Digital Inclusion Charter Accreditation after 'exemplary' approach

DHCW’s approach to digital inclusion has been described as “exemplary” after being awarded Digital Inclusion Charter Accreditation.

Jenny Rose, Director of Stores for Wales, Merseyside and West Midlands at Boots
Jenny Rose, Director of Stores for Wales, Merseyside and West Midlands at Boots
Boots becomes second pharmacy to test electronic prescription system in Wales

Boots has become the second pharmacy system supplier to develop and test the technology needed to support the delivery of an Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) in Wales.

Group photo of five medical practitioners in a pharmacy setting
Group photo of five medical practitioners in a pharmacy setting
First Annual Review from the Digital Medicines Transformation Portfolio

The first Annual Review has been published today (January 8, 2024) by the Digital Medicines Transformation Portfolio (DMTP)

Profile image of Bryoni Keighley in her graduation dress
Profile image of Bryoni Keighley in her graduation dress
From Apprentice to Information Analyst with a first-class degree

Back in July 2018 Bryoni Keighley joined Information Services in what was then NWIS, as one of the first Business Admin Apprentices. And just a few years later, after a monumental effort she has graduated from the University of Wales Trinity St Davids with a first-class degree in Data and Information Systems.

Christmas message banner from DHCW Chief Executive Officer
Christmas message banner from DHCW Chief Executive Officer
A festive message from our Chief Executive

As 2023 draws to a close, we would like to thank our staff, NHS Wales colleagues, partners and the public for their support during the past year.  

Test News December 23

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Smiling nurse in blue uniform with a digital tablet in her hand
Smiling nurse in blue uniform with a digital tablet in her hand
Eight community pharmacy system suppliers now awarded with grants to develop an electronic prescription service in Wales

Eight community pharmacy system suppliers have been awarded grants to make the innovations needed to deliver an electronic prescription service in Wales that will help patients, GPs and pharmacies.