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Big Data team celebrates another successful event: Learning in partnership

Last week, the Advanced Analytics team in the National Data Resource, in partnership with Life Sciences Hub Wales, held its fourth Big Data event, welcoming record numbers to its online webinar. 

Healthcare technology provider EMIS tests its electronic prescription software for use in Wales

As pharmacies prepare for a new digital service that will completely change the way prescriptions are managed, EMIS is announced as the fifth IT system supplier to test its technology to support electronic prescriptions in Wales. 

DHCW shortlisted for two awards in the Welsh NHS Sustainability Awards 2024

The Welsh Nursing Care Record (WNCR) and DHCW’s Estates Rationalisation project have both been recognised for their sustainability efforts in the Prosperous Wales Award.

"Highly Commended Award"

'Highly Commended Award' at the Healthcare People Management Association Cymru Awards 2024 goes to our People

Data and analytics advancement for NHS Executive through National Data and Analytics Platform

In March 2024, a cross-organisational team handling important national data in Wales achieved an important milestone.

Healthcare IT supplier Clanwilliam tests its electronic prescriptions technology in Wales

Delivery of an Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) in Wales is gathering pace, with healthcare IT supplier Clanwilliam testing its technology to support the programme.  

Commemorative plaques mark first use of electronic prescription service in Wales

The first GP surgery and pharmacy to use electronic prescriptions in Wales have been honoured with the presentation of commemorative plaques. 

Diabetes View brings together information for diabetes patients

Diabetes View is now available for all health boards currently using the Diabetes Consultation Note in the latest version of the Welsh Clinical Portal (WCP).

Invatech given green light to roll out electronic prescribing across Wales

In a further exciting milestone for electronic prescribing in Wales, the pharmacy system supplier Invatech has been given the green light to roll out its technology across Wales.

Upgraded WCP mobile app welcomed by healthcare workers

Doctors can now use their mobile devices for checking patients documents, without having to access a shared ward computer.

Digital pharmacy system helps free up nearly 26,000 GP appointments across Wales in one month

Nearly 26,000 GP appointments were freed up in February alone thanks to a digital system that’s available to all pharmacies across Wales.

Positive Solutions tests Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) in Wales

Positive Solutions has become the latest pharmacy system supplier to develop and test technology to help deliver an Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) in Wales.

Digital improvements to prescribing at Cardiff and Vale UHB

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board has reached a significant milestone in introducing a new clinical digital system for improving the prescribing and administering of medication across its sites.

The Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) rolls out at second site in Wales

Patients in Conwy are the second community in Wales to use the exciting new electronic prescription service (EPS).

Testing Wales Shared Medicines Record

Healthcare in Wales is on the brink of a revolution in medicines management. Development of a world-leading digital solution will share patients’ medicines records, making them available where and when they are needed across Wales.

Keith Farrar to speak at Digital Health Rewired

Keith Farrar, Senior Responsible Officer for Wales’ Shared Medicines Record (SMR) programme, puts the spotlight on integrated medicines information and how it can improve patient outcomes, at the upcoming ReWired digital health summit.

Big Data Fund winners showcase innovation in health and care

Last month, Colleagues from health and care organisations across Wales came together for the latest Big Data Event, showcasing innovative projects made possible by the National Data Resource (NDR) programme

Brussels showcase for DHCW Research and Innovation
Business Change Support Officer Programme launched at Cardiff Careers Fair

A new programme, hosted by the Digital Change Delivery Network, was recently launched at the UK Careers Fair in Principality Stadium, Cardiff.

Digital challenges and successes for NHS under the spotlight at ReWired

Transforming health and care through digital and the increasing challenges of cyber security are among the key themes that speakers from Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW) will be discussing at Digital Health ReWired 2024.