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Digital pharmacy system helps free up nearly 26,000 GP appointments across Wales in one month

Nearly 26,000 GP appointments were freed up in February alone thanks to a digital system that’s available to all pharmacies across Wales.

Choose Pharmacy- ten years of 'making a positive difference'

Choose pharmacy – the NHS Wales digital records system used by pharmacists– is celebrating its 10th anniversary this summer.

Diagnostic Stewardship Award win for Choose Pharmacy team

The work of the Choose Pharmacy team at Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW) has been recognised at the Antibiotic Guardian Awards.

Choose Pharmacy STTT boosts infection screening stewardship

Community pharmacists in Wales are using a bacterial detection service to encourage patients to screen against infections.

Older woman wearing a mask has her sleeve rolled up and is about to receive a vaccination from a clinician wearing blue gloves
Older woman wearing a mask has her sleeve rolled up and is about to receive a vaccination from a clinician wearing blue gloves
Community pharmacists record over 160,000 seasonal flu vaccinations on Choose Pharmacy

The Choose Pharmacy application is available in 98% of community pharmacies in Wales to support accredited pharmacists in the delivery of enhanced clinical services. 

Choose Well Pharmacy Logo
Choose Well Pharmacy Logo
Better access to patient information for Choose Pharmacy

Community pharmacists in Wales are to be given increased access to patients’ GP medical records as part of the Choose Pharmacy service, to help them care for more people with minor illnesses.