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Mae'r DSCNs  canlynol wedi'u cymeradwyo gan Fwrdd Safonau Gwybodaeth Cymru. Bydd newidiadau yn cael eu cynnwys yng Ngeiriadur Data GIG Cymru. Gwybodaeth dechnegol sydd ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

The following DSCNs have been approved by the Welsh Information Standards Board. Changes will be reflected in the NHS Wales Data Dictionary.


Welsh Health Circular (WHC)/ WG Official Letter Ref


Issue Date

Implementation Date

Data Dict. Ver.

 2021 / 01      Single Cancer Pathway – Adjustments Data Set – Retirement 3rd February 2021 With immediate effect 4.11
2021 / 02  

Inpatient and Day Case Admissions and First Outpatient Appointments Waiting Times (PP01W) Data Set - Retirement

8th February 2021 With immediate effect 4.11

2021 / 03

Info. Spec.

  National Cancer Data Standards
for Wales – Site Specific – Brain & Central Nervous System (CNS)
8th February 2021 The Cancer Informatics Solution (CIS) MUST comply with this Standard with immediate effect.
Services/data providers, however, MUST operate to ‘business as usual’ in terms of the data being collected and reported (see section Actions Required in this Notice)
2021 / 04   111 Service Final Outcomes 5th March 2021 September 2021 4.11
2021 / 05   111 Service Relationship to Caller 5th March 2021 September 2021 4.11

2021 / 06

Info. Spec.

  National Cancer Data Standards for Wales – Site Specific – Skin 25th March 2021 The Cancer Informatics Solution (CIS) MUST comply with this Standard with immediate effect.
Services/data providers, however, MUST operate to ‘business as usual’ in terms of the data being collected and reported (see section Actions Required in this Notice)
2021 / 07   28 days Specialist Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (sCAMHS) waiting time data collection 31st March 2021 1st April 2021 4.11
2021 / 08 WHC 2019 / 026 Digitisation of Nursing Documentation – Adult Inpatient Assessment 1st April 2021 November 2019 4.11
2021 / 09 WHC 2019 / 026 Digitisation of Nursing Documentation – Continence / Toileting Risk Assessment Tool 1st April 2021 March 2021 4.11
2021 / 10 WHC 2019 / 026 Digitisation of Nursing Documentation – Nutritional Risk Assessment Tool 1st April 2021 March 2021 4.11
2021 / 11 WHC 2019 / 026 Digitisation of Nursing Documentation – Falls & Bone Health Multifactorial Assessment 1st April 2021 March 2021 4.11
2021 / 12 WHC 2019 / 026 Digitisation of Nursing Documentation – Pain Assessment Tool 1st April 2021 March 2021 4.11
2021 / 13 WHC 2019 / 026 Digitisation of Nursing Documentation – Patient Handling Assessment and Safer Handling Plan 1st April 2021 March 2021 4.11
2021 / 14 WHC 2019 / 026 Digitisation of Nursing Documentation – Purpose T Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment 1st April 2021 March 2021 4.11
2021 / 15   Mental Health (Wales) Measure 2010 Data Collection (AMD) 23rd April 2021 1st April 2021 4.12
2021 / 16   Children and Young People Neurodevelopment Assessment – Wait Times (AMD) 23rd April 2021 1st April 2021 4.12
2021 / 17   Deaths Subject to a Universal Mortality Review (UMR) - Retirement 23rd April 2021 30th April 2021 (last submission for census data at 31st March 2021) 4.12
2021 / 18   Smoking Cessation Services Data Collection (AMD) 26th May 2021 1st April 2021 4.12
2021 / 19   111 Service Case Status and Priorities (AMD) 26th May 2021 September 2021 4.12
2021 / 20   Diagnostic & Therapy Services and Referral to Treatment Waiting Times Returns - Age Group 22nd June 2021 First return November 2021 (census snapshot at 31st October 2021) 4.13
2021 / 21   111 Service Final Outcomes (AMD) 30th July 2021 September 2021 4.13
2021 / 22  

Recording Group Activity (Clinics and Consultations)

Related to: DSCN 2024 / 10

5th August 2021 First return 28th October 2021 (September 2021 data) 4.14
2021 / 23   Suspected Cancer Pathway – Core 24th September 2021 1st November 2021 (September 2021 data to be published in November 2021) 4.14
2021 / 23 WHC 2021 / 001

Suspected Cancer Pathway – Core (AMD)

Related to: DSCN 2023 / 45

22nd October 2021 1st November 2021 (September 2021 data to be published in November 2021). 4.15
2021 / 24   111 Service Case Status and Priorities (AMD) 28th October 2021 18th May 2022 4.15
2021 / 25   111 Service Final Outcomes (AMD) 28th October 2021 18th May 2022 4.15

2021 / 26


Additional Guidance

  Cardiac and Cardiology Component Waits 24th November 2021

PILOT: 1st November 2021 to 30th April 2022.

First return 30th December 2021 (census snapshot at 30th November 2021)
