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Mae'r DSCNs  canlynol wedi'u cymeradwyo gan Fwrdd Safonau Gwybodaeth Cymru. Bydd newidiadau yn cael eu cynnwys yng Ngeiriadur Data GIG Cymru.  Gwybodaeth dechnegol sydd ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

The following DSCNs have been approved by the Welsh Information Standards Board. Changes will be reflected in the NHS Wales Data Dictionary.


 Welsh Health Circular (WHC) / WG Official Letter Ref


Issue Date

 Implementation Date

Data Dict. Ver.

 WISB Outcome

Sensory Loss Communication Needs
12th February 2018
23rd November 2017
WHC 2018 / 018  DATS Cardiac Tests 19th March 2018 1st April 2018 4.10  
DSCN 2018 / 03  

Consolidation of the Informational Outcomes for Out of Hours (OOH) services


4th June 2018


1st April 2018





Planned Care Demand and Capacity
14th June 2018
29th November 2018


9th April 2019
1st July 2018
1st July 2018


With immediate effect



DSCN 2018 / 05


  Addressograph Labels Standard 17th July 2018 Within 12 months of Issue Date 4.10  

DSCN 2018 / 06


  SNOMED CT Maturity Matrix 8th August 2018 1st September 2018 4.10  


Eye Care Prioritisation Measures
Eye Care Prioritisation Measures (AMD)
10th September 2018
11th February 2019
September 2018
February 2019 (January 2019 data)
DSCN 2018 / 08 WHC 2018 / 051 Pressure Ulcers Reporting 6th September 2018 September 2018 4.10  
DSCN 2018 / 09   Addressograph Labels Standard 12th November 2018 Within 12 months of Issue Date 4.10  
DSCN 2018 / 10   National Data Set for Sexual Health in Wales 10th December 2018 1st January 2019 4.10  
Outpatient and Outpatient Referral Data Sets   
Outpatient and Outpatient Referral Data Sets (AMD)
Outpatient and Outpatient Referral Data Sets (AMD)
21st December 2018  
7th January 2019
31st January 2019



In preparation for 2018/2019 costing returns (i.e. retrospectively from 1st April 2018)



