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Mae'r DSCNs  canlynol wedi'u cymeradwyo gan Fwrdd Safonau Gwybodaeth Cymru. Bydd newidiadau yn cael eu cynnwys yng Ngeiriadur Data GIG Cymru.  Gwybodaeth dechnegol sydd ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

The following DSCNs have been approved by the Welsh Information Standards Board. Changes will be reflected in the NHS Wales Data Dictionary.


Welsh   Health   Circular (WHC)/   WG   Official    Letter     Ref


Issue Date

Implementation Date

Data Dict. Ver.

2019 / 01 WHC 2021 / 001 Single Suspected Cancer Pathway 8th January 2019 With immediate effect 4.10
2019 /02   111 and OOH services 31st January 2019
1st April 2019
2019 / 03


APC Time data items 4th March 2019 1st February 2019 4.10
2019 / 04

WHC 2015 / 003

WHC 2015 / 034

WHC 2016 / 006

WHC 2016 / 017

WHC 2017 / 040

APC Source of admission 4th March 2019 1st April 2019 4.10
2019 / 05   Removal of a Suspected Mentally Disordered Person to a Place of Safety (s.135 and s.136 Mental Health Act 1983) 9th April 2019 1st April 2019 4.10
  Diagnostic & Therapy Services and Referral to Treatment Waiting Times Returns – Sleep Disordered Breathing 9th May 2019 1st June 2019 (Reporting July 2019)

2019 / 07 WHC 2017 / 27 CMATS Metrics 25th September 2019 1st July 2019 (first submission to Welsh Government 31st October 2019 for Q2 data) 4.11
2019 / 07 WHC 2017 / 27 CMATS Metrics (AMD) 20th December 2019 1st July 2019 (first submission to Welsh Government 31st October 2019 for Q2 data) 4.11
2019 / 08

Official Letter: Welsh Emergency Care Data Set (WECDS)

Ref: SD/LD

WECDS Phase 1 8th November 2019 With immediate effect 4.11

2019 / 09

Info. Spec.

  National Cancer Data Standards for Wales - Core 10th December 2019 The Cancer Informatics Solution (CIS) MUST comply with this Standard with immediate effect 4.11
2019 / 10   Outpatient Hospital Initiated Cancellation Reason Codes 13th December 2019 1st January 2020 4.11