Stories and case studies that showcase our digital tools for clinicians, NHS Wales staff, and patients.
The National Data Resource (NDR) programme is launching a brand-new Request Service, acting as a one-stop shop where stakeholders can submit data requests, find information, and manage their needs—all in one place.
Electronic prescribing will transform how medicines are administered in health care settings across Wales.
The National Data Resource team is successfully using the Google Transfer Appliance to securely move large amounts of data from Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW) to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This project aligns with DHCW's strategy and supports the NDR's goals for enhanced data sharing and analysis.
Wales is embarking on a transformative journey in healthcare with....
Every day, thousands of people in Wales navigate a complex health system, but a Shared Medicines Record (SMR) can revolutionise how we deliver healthcare in Wales.
“Within a few months of launch, Wales had the most successful vaccination campaign in the world.”
‘In the journey toward creating a sustainable maternity service, robust data is the compass that guides our way’
The Welsh Information Solution for Diabetes Management (WISDM) system went live in Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) West on December 11th, 2023.
We hear from James Fletcher and Lorraine Hughes from the Digital Change Delivery Network (DCDN) and Christine Stitfall from the Business Change team at Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW).
In this post, Anne Watkins, Sian Thomas and Sarah Aston discuss the importance of user-centred design and how it has been applied to the Digital Maternity Cymru Programme.
"It's not just sticking labels on a box..."
For frontline clinicians, a new usability survey launching later this month will offer a chance to speak up about the design and usability of digital systems across Wales – and just eight minutes of your time could make a big difference.
We need more women and more diversity at every level in our industry, if we are to create products and services that really work for everyone who uses them.
As a GP, I understand the importance of providing the best possible care to my patients. With the development of the NHS Wales App we are about to see how we can improve the service to our patients and make life easier for us as GPs.
Our new Director of Primary, Community Care and Mental Health Digital Services, Sam Hall explains what some of the challenges are to these services, and talks about what brought her to take on the job.
The DSPP programme is part of Digital Health and Care Wales. The programme is working in partnership with Kainos to develop the NHS Wales Application
Much has been made of the speed at which patient-facing technology has been deployed during the Covid-19 pandemic to support remote communication between people and their healthcare professionals, and to begin to create new models of care.
Suzanne Crompton, Occupational Therapy Lead at Hywel Dda UHB, reveals how switching from paper and spreadsheets to a completely digital workflow has transformed her department’s auditing process
Have you ever considered how unique you are and how reliant you are on parts of your body functioning properly as a whole, and what happens when something doesn’t work?
We have all seen and experienced how advances in technology can be of benefit to our lives and the lives of our friends and family and within the NHS in Wales we want to develop to meet the changing expectations of citizens.