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Welsh Information Development Group (WIDG)


The Welsh Information Development Group (WIDG) (previously known as DSCN Sub-group) was established to support the work of WISB in relation to the production of DSCNs, by: 

  • Developing a rigorous, timely process for assessing data/information demands on the Service as required at DSCN stage. 
  • Ensuring changes to the Data Dictionary are comprehensively identified and included. 
  • Recommending improvements to DSCN format and content, when appropriate. 
  • Reviewing the role of the DSCN and considering the need for other notifications. 
  • Delegated responsibility for the approval of DDCNs (in full). 
  • Reviewing proposed changes to the Data Dictionary's structure and content. 

The scope of WIDG will include all DSCNs which result from submissions passing through any part of the Information Standards Assurance Process. It will exclude responsibility for fundamental changes to the Data Dictionary although suggestions falling out of the group's work would be captured. 

Once WIDG has reached a decision on a DSCN, this will be reported to WISB for ratification or re-consideration. If WIDG has been unable to reach agreement, this will be reported to WISB. 

To review approved DSCNs please see Data Standards Change Notices. You can also view a summary list of DSCNs that are currently being drafted. 
