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Change Notices


The Data Standards Team aims to support the improvement of information quality in and about the NHS in Wales. The team is responsible for the development of a range of data standards, this includes the preparation and publication of Change Notices.

There are three different types of Change Notices which are published by the Data Standards Team, these include:

  1. Data Standard Change Notice (DSCN)
  2. Data Dictionary Change Notice (DDCN)
  3. Analysis Method Notice (AMN)

To find out more about each of these standards, please see the summaries below. For a more detailed description, please follow the links to the separate Change Notice pages.


Data Standard Change Notice (DSCN)

Data Standards Change Notice (DSCN) is a mandate to NHS and partner organisations and system suppliers to ensure that they are able to support a new or changed data standard.

DSCNs are issued to the Service once new or changed data standards, sponsored by the Welsh Government Department of Health, Social Service & Children, are approved by the Welsh Information Standards Board (WISB).

For a period of time, clinical data standards were held separately from the NHS Wales Data Dictionary and were communicated via Clinical Data Standards Change Notices (CDSCNs).  They now form part of the dictionary and therefore new or changed standards will in future be communicated via DSCNs


Data Dictionary Change Notice (DDCN)

Data Dictionary Change Notice (DDCN) is a notification outlining any changes to the NHS Wales Data Dictionary that do not introduce new or changed information requirements.  Authority for their approval has been delegated by WISB to its Welsh Information Development Group (WIDG) (previously known as DSCN Sub-group)

All NHS Wales data standards introduced via DSCN are incorporated in the NHS Wales Data Dictionary.  The dictionary acts as a reference source for all mandated data standards.


Analysis Methods Notices (AMN)

An Analysis Method Notice (AMN) is a communication of a new or changed analysis method to NHS and partner organisations and system suppliers. These formally document the methods for undertaking national analyses of NHS Wales healthcare data and the calculation of national indicators and performance measures.

Analysis Methods are developed and / or agreed by the Analysis Methodologies Group and accredited by the Welsh Information Standards Board.


Distribution List

To automatically receive copies of future DSCNs and DDCNs, please email us to subscribe to the NHS Wales DSCN Distribution List. Once subscribed we will notify you of new standards, changes to existing standards and other related information.

Please contact us if you wish to unsubscribe.
