27 January 2022
Citizens in Wales are eligible to get a copy of their Covid Pass providing they have had two doses of an approved vaccine (or one single dose of 'Janssen' vaccine) through a digital app and a paper version, both of which are supported by DHCW.
The NHS Covid Pass lets people share their coronavirus vaccination status and test result which is now required should you wish to travel abroad to certain countries, or attend certain events or venues in Wales or England.
DHCW provides support to the Covid Pass by sending vaccination records recorded in Welsh Immunisation Service to our NHS Digital partner that manages the service via the Welsh Pandemic Record integration.
Welsh citizens are also able to request a paper version of their NHS Covid Pass should they be unable to apply online. Paper certificates are issued providing the citizen has had a full course of the COVID-19 vaccination and are aged 12 or over.
In order to support the paper pass process, DHCW have developed a dashboard which is accessed by a 'Paper Pass Cell Centre Team' that determines eligibility for a paper pass, and who create a printed vaccination record to be printed on secure stationary once criteria is met.
Citizens in Wales can log on to gov.wales/get-your-nhs-covid-pass, register for NHS Log in and, once successfully authenticated, have visibility of their domestic and international travel COVID-19 passes whenever required.