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An audience with Swansea Bay University Health Board's Secondary Care e-Prescribing Team

Pharmacist holding medicine pack and medicine bottles

22 May 2023

A key learning event to support the planned introduction of Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration (ePMA) into NHS Wales hospitals takes place at Cardiff City Stadium on May 25, 2023.

With the introduction of new technologies for prescribing and medicines administration one of the biggest changes in decades, this is a vital learning event that will inform the implementation of a fully digital service that will make the prescribing, administering and dispensing of medicines in hospitals safer, easier and more efficient.

This work to transform systems is being led by the Digital Medicines Transformation Portfolio’s Secondary Care Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration (ePMA) programme.

The half-day event will focus on findings from the pathfinder implementation of an ePrescribing and Medicines Administration solution across two hospitals in Swansea Bay University Health Board.

The implementation team from Swansea Bay UHB will share their insights and experiences about implementing the system and what this was like from a planning, technical, pharmacy, nursing and clinical perspective.

Over 100 people, who will be involved in implementing and using ePMA, will attend the event to gain knowledge that will help deploy ePMA on every ward across Wales.

Lesley Jones, Senior Responsible Officer for the Secondary Care ePMA Programme, said: “Achieving digital transformation at scale is a huge undertaking that relies on collaboration and partnership. Events like this help us to share learning and understand the changes required and the benefits that a digital solution will bring to patients and healthcare professionals across Wales.”

Tracey Bell, Swansea Bay UHB Head of Digital Planning for Planned Care and Community, commented: “We have seen how using more technology in a patient’s care has a positive impact and supports clinicians and pharmacists. It helps clinicians get the right medications to the right patients at the right time, which is a vital part of a patient’s care. It also puts data at the fingertips of the clinician, improving decision making and patient safety.”

The event is hosted by the Digital Medicines Transformation Portfolio which brings together the programmes and projects that will deliver the benefits of a fully digital prescribing approach in all care settings in Wales.
