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A spotlight on Research and Innovation in Wales

3 April 2023

Associate Director of Information, Intelligence & Research, Rachael Powell and Rachel Gemine, Head of Research and Innovation, were invited to attend BioWales in London on March 14th 2023 as guest speakers to deliver a session on ‘Working with the Welsh NHS’ discussing digital transformation, supporting research and innovation through access to data and the importance of effective partnerships.

Rachael Powell said, “Following publication of DHCW’s Research & Innovation Strategy, it was great to join with colleagues across Wales and potential industry and academic partners to speak about our plans for working collaboratively to enhance the innovation work in Wales through better data and digital opportunities.”

The free event for all MediWales and partner organisation members provided a unique platform for exciting new innovations and companies looking for investment and collaborations. There were also presentations from a variety of Welsh companies at various stages of their investor journey and an expert investor panel in attendance.  

We will be contributing to the upcoming MediWales Connects event in Cardiff on June 29th 2023.

