The DHCW Covid-19 Datahub was created from by the Information Services Directorate and acts as a 'One Stop Shop' for all-Wales information on the virus.
The hub displays a mixture of data visualisations and tables, developed in Logi Analytics. The dashboard sources come from the virtual COVID-19 datastore in the National Data Warehouse, which includes existing and new data flows to support the management of COVID-19.
Currently the hub includes both summaries and in-depth explorations of the following:
COVID-19 tests summary
Health Board sitreps capacity and activity
Positive tests by Local Authority and turn around times
Daily ED attendances
Ambulance calls
Ambulance calls by Health Board
Primary care
111 calls and symptom checker usage
Mortality data
Data extract facility, enabling the user to extract the data behind the visualisations in the dashboard
Shielded patient maps
Data modelling tools
Front page of the data hub
Covid-19 data hub
Navigate to (or for Welsh Government users, select the link to the Data Hub in the WG Access gateway) but please note that only registered users can access the system as much of the reporting within is provisional. To request access to, please register by selecting the ‘Request Covid-19 Dashboard Access' button and where you will be required provide your name, email address and organisation details.
For any queries please go to the NWIS Covid-19 Information mailbox at