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An online record of a child’s health and care from birth to school leaving age has been used in Wales for nearly two decades.

The latest and fourth version of the digital Child Health Record, known as the Children and Young Persons Integrated System (CYPrIS), is being rolled out to all health boards during 2019.  It has been built by Digital Health and Care Wales software developers and designed to meet the transformation agenda.

The Child Health CYPrIS system supports Welsh Government’s Healthy Child Wales programme, the national immunisation programme and  statutory reporting requirements.

It is used to:

  • Record immunisations undertaken within GP practices
  • Record immunisations undertaken in other venues (e.g. schools or Health Visitor clinics)
  • Record immunisation history of children who have moved into an area
  • Provide GP practices with lists of children’s outstanding immunisations
  • Provide screening and immunisation coordinators with relevant information for targeted vaccination in the event of an outbreak
  • Generate letters to parents/carers for immunisation appointments


It also supports scheduling appointments, generation of appointment letters and recording results for the: 

  • Healthy Child Wales Programme
  • School Health (Child Measurement Programme which was set up to better understand how children in Wales are growing, and standardises the way primary school children are measured across Wales
  • School Health (Audio, Medical and Vision Screenings)


New functionality includes integrated links to the:

  • Welsh Birth Notification Service
  • Welsh Address Matching Service
  • Welsh Demographic Service