The work of the NHS Wales Informatics Service (NWIS) to develop a digital workforce in partnership with the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) has been celebrated by the UK National Centre for Universities and Business (NCUB). In its sixth annual assessment of the achievement of partnerships, it describes the NWIS partnership with Trinity Saint David as a ‘positive model for the rest of the UK NHS’.
Formally launched on March 30th 2017, the partnership – known as the Wales Institute of Digital Information - has developed 4 part-time BSc (Hons) degrees in: Data & Information Systems; Business and Information Systems; Computer Networks & Cyber Security and Software Engineering. All streams are accredited by the British Computer Society giving graduates Chartered IT Professional (CITP) status. Additionally, the software engineering programmes gained partial Chartered Engineer (CEng) status.
Professor Wendy Dearing, Head of Workforce & Organisational Development at NWIS and a Professor of Practice at UWTSD said, “The relationship is becoming an organic process with new benefits emerging on a weekly basis. Masterclasses have been delivered by NWIS staff for UWTSD students and degree apprentices, and in return UWTSD academics have delivered short, specific development programmes for NWIS staff”.