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Mae'r Hysbysiadau Dull Dadansoddi canlynol wedi'u hachredu gan Fwrdd Safonau Gwybodaeth Cymru.  Gwybodaeth dechnegol sydd ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

The following Analysis Method Notices have been accredited by the Welsh Information Standards Board. 

Analysis Method Notice


Issue Date

Valid From

WISB Outcome 

AM 2016 / 01 Mental Health Measure Part 3 September 2016   Outcome
 AM 2016 / 02

Reduction in Sickness Absence

September 2016   Outcome
AM 2016 / 03

Postponed Admitted Procedures

September 2016   Outcome
AM 2016 / 05

Acute stroke Quality Improvement Measures (QIMs)


Percentage of applicable patients who were given a formal swallow assessment within 72 hours of clock start

September 2016   Outcome