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Welsh Emergency Care Data Set (WECDS) Documentation

WECDS will support the linkage of data across healthcare and social care services ensuring that it is possible to understand the complete patient journey through Urgent and Emergency Care (UEC) Services. The initial focus of this phase of WECDS implementation is on Type 1 Emergency Departments (24-hour, consultant lead ED’s), Minor Injury Units (MIU’s), and Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC).

WECDS User Guide

The purpose of the WECDS User Guide is to outline the manner by which the WECDS should be used and interpreted by users, system suppliers and other stakeholders by providing information on each individual data group and its constituent data items. 

The documents below contain some of the larger code lists that form the data set.

Supplementary documentation will be added to support the delivery of WECDS.

Code List

Preferred Spoken Language
Interpreter Language
Urgent and Emergency Care Chief Complaint
Urgent and Emergency Care Injury Activity Type
Urgent and Emergency Care Diagnosis
Urgent and Emergency Care Treatment
Urgent and Emergency Referred to Service



