In order to ensure that work programmes are developed, reviewed, monitored and implemented in accordance with national priorities, the initiative reports directly to Welsh Information Standards Board as illustrated in Figure 1. The Group also reports into, and takes advice from, a number of other boards and groups, as required.
Figure 1: IQI initiative reporting structure
The role of this group is to lead on the development and implementation of work programmes associated with the IQI initiative and to ensure the objectives of the initiative, are met.
It will also act as the group where local and national information quality issues will be first discussed and prioritised in terms of their status within the IQI initiative.
It will receive, review and determine work programme proposals. The group will also review ad hoc reports along with acting as the first point of call for all data quality produced review submissions, this will lessen the workload burden on WISB.
Further information about the IQI Working Group is available.
The Welsh Information Standards Board (WISB) is responsible for the development of new or changed national information standards and their implementation across the NHS in Wales so as to maximise fitness for purpose, efficiency of data captured and information coherence. It meets on a monthly basis. In relation to the IQI initiative, reports and review submissions produced through IQI are taken to WISB to go through the information standards assurance process.
Further information about WISB is available.
The National Informatics Management Board (NIMB) is responsible for overseeing the leadership and the delivery of technology and information services in NHS Wales, including the implementation of policy and development of strategy. The Board provides assurance for the management and delivery of services and projects across Wales. It meets on a bimonthly basis. In relation to the IQI initiative, it will set the high level agenda for the development and use of information, and review the performance of the initiative against its objectives.
The setting of national and local information quality priorities is subject to a range of internal and external factors. The Group may need to request action from, or provide advice/guidance to other national groups/bodies, including but not limited to:
The manual provides advice and guidance on all aspects of governance in the NHS in Wales. The framework for the manual is based on the Welsh Government's Citizen-Centred Governance Principles, which apply to all public bodies in Wales. These principles integrate all aspects of governance and embody the values and standards of behaviour expected at all levels of public services in Wales.
The manual will support NHS organisations in defining, implementing and maintaining their governance arrangements. It provides direction, guidance and support to Board members and NHS staff to enable them to fulfil their own responsibilities and ensure their organisations meet the standards of good governance set for the NHS in Wales. The site is under the control of an Editorial Board and is subject to continuous review. New information will be added as it emerges. Feedback is most welcome via the link at the top of this page.
For those working alongside NHS bodies, or just simply interested in the work of the NHS, it provides a valuable insight into the way in which the NHS is organised and governed across Wales.
For further information please see the Governance e-Manual website