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Profile photo of Andrew Fletcher
Andrew Fletcher

Associate Board Member

About Me

Associate Board Member

Andrew is an Associate Board Member on the Board representing the Trade Unions. He is Co-Chair of the Local Partnership Forum, as an advisory group to the Board. His commitment to partnership working is well established over many years and spans several organisations and demonstrated by the success of these organisations.

Professionally, Andrew is an Information Governance lead within Digital Health and Care Wales.  Having joined the NHS in 2002, he has a wealth of experience in the delivery of health services, and in particular in the area of Information Governance. His role is to provide the appropriate advice and assurance to enable the safe and lawful use of information to drive improved, high quality and efficient services through technology.

As an academic lawyer with a Bachelors and Master’s degree in law, Andrew has been actively undertaking research in his professional field, and is currently writing up his PhD at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

From Carmarthen, in South West Wales, Andrew is a proud supporter of live music and the dramatic arts, having performed on stage since a young age.