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Information is often shared between NHS Wales organisations to:

  • ensure you are provided the highest quality of care
  • help run and improve the NHS in Wales
  • protect and improve the health of others and to help create new services.

Where information is shared, strict controls and assurances are in place to ensure information is shared appropriately and only when needed.

For more detail on how NHS Wales collects information about you and how it may be used, please read Your information, Your rights or DHCW’s Privacy Policy.


Wales Accord on the Sharing of Personal Information (WASPI)

WASPI is a framework supported by Welsh Government as the ‘single’ information sharing framework in Wales. It helps and encourages service-providing organisations to share relevant personal information lawfully, safely and effectively.

Since 2016, the central WASPI team has been hosted by DHCW. This central team has responsibility for continued upkeep, promotion and improvement of the framework and its website.

For more information, visit the WASPI website, which contains a list of all organisations signed up to WASPI and copies of Quality Assured Information Sharing Protocols.