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Profile photo of Sarah-Jane Taylor
Sarah-Jane Taylor

Director of People and Organisational Development

About Me

Director of People and Organisational Development

Sarah-Jane is a chartered fellow of the CIPD and is passionate about diversity, talent management and the health and wellbeing of the workforce and wider community. She has designed and delivered numerous initiatives to promote and retain talent and improve wellbeing, equality and inclusion throughout her career to date.

Prior to taking up post at DHCW, Sarah-Jane has worked in government and the NHS at Director level for over 25 years, and led on digital transformation of services across diverse workforce groups in the civil service and public services.

Sarah-Jane began her career in the Department of Health as a civil servant, before moving to the Office of National Statistics where she led teams across England and Wales as a Corporate Head and made a number of significant improvements. She received a national government award from the Secretary of State for the promotion of health, development and greening government.

Along with a number of senior leadership positions in the NHS, including working for the Health Regulator to support enhanced strategic workforce planning and system wide working, Sarah-Jane became an Executive Director of HR & OD in the NHS in early 2011. She has a wealth of experience in promoting organisational improvement through the adoption of new ways of working.