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What is involved?

Course overview

This course offers individuals an excellent grounding in change management theories and practice through structured and meaningful discussions within interactive workshops where there is a clear progression in knowledge with opportunity for reflection upon its application.

The course is accredited at a Level 6 (Framework for Higher Education Qualifications) which is equivalent to 20 credits at an undergraduate level and is achieved by attending the 12 modules required by the course, maintaining a portfolio of work, and then turning it into an over-arching written reflection assignment on the impact of the course in 5000-6000 words.

Each session will run for approximately four hours, and it has the potential that each participant will spend another 40-100 hours outside of work completing assessment work to achieve the accreditation.

UWTSD and collaborative partner students are expected to demonstrate at Level 6 of higher education (HE) learning. The criteria utilised have been developed for each level of study in accordance with the expectations of the QAA Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree-Awarding Bodies (2014) and the Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales (2009). This is in accord with the QAA Quality code indicator (revised, May 2018).


Self reflection

Cheese and the change curve

  • Critically evaluate current research into the individuals reaction to change
  • Critically analyse the relevant approaches to managing change
  • Explore accountability and its application to leading change


To me, to you motivation

  • Review and assess your motivations, and how to communicate them impactfully
  • Provide guidance and support for those who wish to put together a plan to motivate their personal development, and to improve team performance at work through motivation
  • Devise and write specific objectives for your individual motivations and understand modern models behind motivating others


Reflecting on your journey

  • Recognise and evaluate what is involved in academic reflections
  • Analyse and discuss what is expected to achieve the Change Ambassador Certificate
  • Explore your own reflections and share your insights



Influence and its influence

  • Study different key concepts related to influence and develop a deeper understanding of the issues involved in organisational dynamics
  • Inform your design of a personal development plan with the aim of enriching your skills, knowledge and experience
  • Cultivate skills in planning and delivering  what behaviours are most successful in influencing others, taking due regard of any ethical issues that may arise

Focusing on functional leadership

  • Evaluate John Adair’s Action-Centred Leadership Model and contrast with existing leadership knowledge
  • Critically analyse and reflect on the characteristics of the different types of leaders
  • Identify what type of leader you are and reflect on the effectiveness of your leadership presence


Leading change​​​​​​​

  • Evaluate the principles of leadership utilising the McKinsey's 7s Model
  • Recognise the personal considerations in leading change and analyse your leadership style
  • Evaluate the steps involved in leading change by utilising Kotter's model for leading change


Soft skills

Teamwork makes the team work

  • Understand what enables you to independently explore and study how different personalities interact
  • Recognise common behaviours and implement a team plan based on your team's personality preferences
  • Guidance and support to research and analyse theories and methodologies that help understand what forms an effective team

Presentation preparation

  • Explore modern mechanics of presenting
  • Evaluate and analyse a method for choosing and delivering content
  • Practice and deliver a short presentation with guidance and feedback

Compassion in change management

  • Reflect on the role of compassionate leadership in times of change and uncertainty in order to lead change with sensitivity and understanding.
  • Scrutinise the complex nature of challenges for the leadership role within times of organisational disruption.
  • Evaluate the influence of compassionate leadership and management in the context of recognised change initiatives



Our culture, your culture

  • Evaluate Handy and Cooke’s model of organisational culture
  • Identify and explore common characteristics of organisational culture
  • Critically analyse how organisational culture affects change

Solution styles for problem solving

  • Critically examine the root cause of a what a problem is
  • Identify practical problem solving solutions
  • Recognise other problem solving approaches