The information contained in this report relates to the remuneration of the senior managers employed by Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW). The definition of “Senior Manager” is: ‘those persons in senior positions having authority or responsibility for directing or controlling the major activities of the NHS body. This means those who influence the decisions of the entity as a whole rather than the decisions of individual directorates or departments.’ For DHCW, the senior managers are considered to be the regular attendees of Board meetings, i.e. Members of the Executive Team and the Independent Members.

Existing public sector pay arrangements apply to all staff including members of the Executive Team. All members of the Executive Team are on pay points and not pay scales. The performance of members of the Executive Team is assessed against personal objectives and against the overall performance of the SHA. The SHA does not operate a performance related pay scheme.

There have been some payments to former Executives or other former senior managers during the year and these are detailed in the table below. The totals in some of the following tables may differ from those in the Annual Accounts as they represent staff in post at 31 March 2024 whilst the Annual Accounts (note 9.2) shows the average number of employees during the year.

Transparency of senior remuneration in the devolved Welsh Public Sector – Guide to Tackling Unfair Employment Practices and False Self-Employment

The pay and terms and conditions of employment for the Executive Team and senior managers have been and will be determined by the Remuneration and Terms of Service Committee, within the framework set by the Welsh Government. The SHA Remuneration Committee members are Independent Members of the Board. The Committee is chaired by the SHA Chair. The Terms of Reference for the Committee are reviewed on an annual basis. Details of the membership of the Remuneration & Terms of Service Committee are captured in Appendix 1.
