Scope of responsibilities

The Board of Digital Health and Care Wales, is accountable for:

setting the strategic direction

the governance framework

organisational tone and culture

steering the risk appetite and overseeing strategic risks

developing strong relationships with key stakeholders and partners

the successful creation and delivery of the organisation's Long Term Strategy

The Board is accountable for Governance, Risk Management and Internal Control. As Chief Executive of the Board, I have responsibility for maintaining appropriate governance structures and procedures as well as a sound system of internal control that supports the achievement of the organisation's policies, aims and objectives, whilst safeguarding the public funds and the organisation's assets for which I am personally responsible. These are carried out in accordance with the responsibilities assigned by the Accountable Officer of NHS Wales.

The annual report outlines the different ways the organisation has worked internally and with partners during 2023/24. It explains arrangements for ensuring standards of governance are maintained, risks identified and mitigated, and assurance has been sought and provided. Where necessary additional information is provided in the Governance Statement (GS), however the intention has been to reduce duplication where possible. It is therefore necessary to review other sections in the Annual Report alongside this Governance Statement.

This Governance Statement explains the composition and organisation of DHCW’s governance structures and how they support the achievement of our objectives. The background to DHCW, its functions and plans are set out in the Performance Report.

The Board sits at the top of our internal governance and assurance system. It sets strategic objectives, monitors progress, agrees actions to achieve these objectives and ensures appropriate controls are in place and working properly. The Board also takes assurance from its committees, assessments against professional standards and regulatory frameworks.

Openness and Transparency

In accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 and in addition to DHCW being committed to ensure we are being as open and transparent we are:

Live streaming and recording our Public Board meetings and posting them to our website within 3 working days of the meeting being held

Recording our Committee meetings and posting them to our website within 3 working days of the meeting being held

Advising stakeholders of our intention to hold Board meetings 10 days before Board and Committee meetings

Sharing papers with members 7 days before, and publishing public papers to our website 7 days before Board and Committee meetings

Providing a highlight report of all Committee and Advisory Group meetings, covering any agenda items discussed in public and private to the Board and publishing these to our website

The Remuneration and Terms of Service Committee is a private Committee of the Board, in addition the singular advisory group, the Local Partnership Forum (LPF) is currently private, but to commit to openness and transparency, a highlight report from both meetings is shared at each Public Board meeting.

The reporting period for this Annual Governance Statement is primarily focussed on the financial year 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.

During 2023/24, DHCW supported the Health and Social Care Committee Session on Gynaecological Cancer. DHCW Representatives attended the inquiry on 29 June 2023, which looked at how cancer data is collected, stored and shared securely and efficiently, digital tools and systems that can improve cancer care and treatment and information held on cancer screening, diagnosis and treatment and how this is used to inform service planning and development.

Our Governance Framework and assurance system

DHCW’s standing orders are designed to translate the statutory requirements set out in the DHCW (Establishment and Constitution) Order 2020 into day-to-day operating practice. Together with the adoption of a scheme of matters reserved to the Board; a scheme of delegation to officers and others; and standing financial instructions, they provide the regulatory framework for the business conduct of DHCW and define its ‘ways of working’. These documents, together with the range of corporate policies, including the Standards of Behaviour Policy set by the Board, make up the Governance Framework.

The Board reviewed and approved DHCW’s standing orders in March 2024, in addition the Board received an update on DHCW’s compliance with standing orders during 2023-24 in March 2024. There have been no variations to DHCW standing orders during 2023-24.

In accordance with DHCW’s standing orders and scheme of delegation, the following policies were approved by the Board and its Committees during 2023/24:

POL-OSD-008 Principles & Standards of Privileged Access Management

POL-OSD-002 Anti-Malware

POL-OSD-001 Access Control

POL-OSD-004 Acceptable Use Policy

POL-OSD-006 Information Security

POL-WIA-002 Wales Informatics Assurance

Service Management

POL-CF-006 Control of Contractors

POL-CF-012 Asbestos Management Policy

POL-CF-17 Fire Safety Policy

POL-CG-018 Environmental and Sustainability Policy

POL-POD-024 Smoke Vape Free Policy

POL-WFOD-022 Mental Health, Wellbeing and Stress Management Policy

POL-CG-011 Suspect Packages & Bomb Threats Policy

DHCW-POL-7 Use of Welsh Language Internally Policy

TBCPOL-WFOD-025 Study Leave Policy, Procedure & Guidelines

POL-CG-010 Display Screen Equipment

PO-CG-013 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

POL-CF-014 Safe Manual Handling

PO-CG-008 Incident Reporting and Investigating

POL-CG-19 Standards of Behaviour

POL-WFOD-023 Shared Parental Leave Policy

The command structure was not utilised during 2023/24.
